VF HSV 6.2L V8 (non LSA) Maloo ute twin 3in full system with 1 3/4in coated headers $5,509.00 Add to Cart
VF HSV 6.2L V8 (non LSA) Sedan & Wagon twin 2.5in full system, with 1 3/4in headers $4,689.00 Add to Cart
VF HSV 6.2L V8 (non LSA) Sedan & Wagon twin 2.5in full system, with 1 7/8in headers $4,809.00 Add to Cart
VF HSV 6.2L V8 (non LSA) Sedan & Wagon twin 3in full system, with 1 3/4in headers $4,939.00 Add to Cart